Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thinking of signing up for DirectTV? Then you have to READ THIS!!!

Ok, if anyone is contemplating of signing up for DirectTV in the near future, you HAVE to read this because I'm about to save you $125.00 ( NOW $180 !!!) dollars in cash if you sign up.  That can be used for four free months of DirectTV as a rebate to pay them off, or you can put that cash back in your pocket, however you choose!  Here's how to do it.

  1. First sign up for TreasureTrooper by clicking the link HERE!
  2. Next, once you've signed up and registered with all of the correct information, go to the CASH OFFERS section on the main page once you've signed in.  It should be on the upper left hand side under MEMBERS.
  3. You should now be in the CASH OFFERS section.  From here you'll see a list of the surveys, quizes, and offers listed.  Pan down towards the bottom and look for the DirectTV offer.  It's here that TreasureTrooper is offering $125.00 ( Again now $180 bucks!!! ) for you to sign up with DirectTV.  Now imagine signing up when DirectTV offers their extras on TOP OF THIS and the amount of money you'll save will be HUGE!
  4. Once you've signed up, click the DONE button so the offer can be credited to your account.
  5. Now, you'll have to wait for the offer to approve, but once it does, TreasureTrooper will credit your account with $125.00 (now $180) bucks in your account.  At the end of the month, they'll tabulate the payments, and on the 15th of the next month, TreasureTrooper will either pay you $125 (Are you listening???  IT'S NOW $180 BUCKS!!!) bucks in your Paypal account OR send out a check in the mail and a few days later, you get paid!

EDIT 10/14/10:  The offer I posted about seven days ago has INCREASED AGAIN!  The offer which was $125 dollars in 10/01/10 and was ungraded to $175 a week ago is NOW $180.00 dollars back if you sign up for DirectTV.  So if you sign up today and do the DIRECT TV offer, instead of $125 earlier in the month, you'll get $55 dollars MORE!  That's close to another 2 months FREE or another $55 bucks in your pocket for signing up for DIRECT TV when you would have done it already!  HOW COOL IS THAT???

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