Tips & Tricks for TreasureTrooper

Here are some Tips and Tricks on how to do the offers/surveys at so that to can get a near 100 percent completion/credit for each offer you do.  Many members will just do the offers and find that if they don't do these steps, their completion/credit percentages of having the offers credit will go down to 25% percent or less if they DON'T do these steps.  By doing these steps as you see below, you percentage for having each and every offer approve will be near 100% percent if you do the steps below.

Before doing any offers create what are called several SECONDARY or JUNK e-mail addresses.

When you are signing up for offers, almost every offer requires you put in your email address. Most likely, they are asking this for two reasons. First, so they can contact you about the product/service you just requested. Second, so they can sell your email address to other third parties. For this reason, I find it very useful to sign up for free email services such as Hotmail, GMX or Yahoo. I recommend you sign up for four or five email accounts to start with and keep a small notebook or spiral notepad handy and write down each one you start with.  Once you've USED these four or five to start with, after a certain time, maybe between 3-5 offers for each e-mail web address you use, switch to another one, and repeat the process over and over until you run out.  Then when you run out, create another four to five more e-mail addresses to use with the next one.

Use a different email address for each group of offers you complete.

Offers on GPT sites are split into different groups, or families. One set of
freebies may be grouped as “Brand Survey Panel” and another may be “Big Buck Surveys”. There are many different groups, and it is very important that you do not use the same email multiple times for one group. For example, if you are doing “Brand Survey Panel: Win a free car!” and you use the email address, then you must use a different one if you complete another Brand Survey Panel survey, such as “Brand Survey Panel: Get a free computer”. If you use the same email address, then the offer will most likely not approve. You CAN use the email address you used for Brand Survey Panel on Big Buck Surveys since it is a different group, or family.

Clear Cookies between offers

Clear your computer's cookies (on line history) between simliar offers...I use's a free program and easy to use!  Plus the survey companies use your cookies sometimes to track if you've done other offers with their company.  And if you have done so and haven't cleared your cookies, that particular survey company may not credit TreasureTrooper because you did a past survey with them recently.  Make sure to do so after each and every survey.
Here is the website name for CCleaner . . .

Changing your IP address

Sometimes, you may notice that offers may stop approving...even though you rotate email addresses. Some companies will start to block your IP address if you've completed too many offers too soon. Basically, you won't get credited. If this ever happens...and it seems that offers just don't credit may be a good idea to renew/change your IP address. This can be done several do so, please visit the following page where I recieved the info from.

  1. Click on an offer at the CASH OFFERS tab once you've signed in.
  2. Fill out your information on the info page.  Make sure to use a secondary e-mail and not your normal e-mail address so all of the junk mail that follows will not go to your normal e-mail address.
  3. If an offer says to do a certain set of instructions to complete the offer like "USE A VALID AND UNIQUE E-MAIL AND CLICK YES TO THREE OFFERS IN THE PATH BEFORE THE FINAL PAGE" then make sure to use a special toss away/secondary e-mail just for that offer and that offer alone.  Also make sure to click on at least 3 offers in the path and say YES to them.  Don't worry, you don't have to accept a ton of offers and do them, all you have to do is click YES to them on that one page, and then when the offer comes up on the next page, click SKIP to skip the offer on the following page.  That way you are at least fufilling the obligations by saying YES to the three offers.
  4. While during each offer, make sure each page LOADS completely and give yourself either a 5 to 10 seconds on each page to make sure that it is up.  Some of these survey companies are tricky and if you blow through or breeze through an offer, they have a hidden countdown timer built in on the software of the webpage to make sure that you've properly looked through each offer.  If you haven't done so and breezed through the offer too quickly, you may not be credited for the offer.  So for each page, I do at least a count of 1-ONE THOU-SAND, 2-ONE THOU-SAND, 3 ONE THOU-SAND, etc, etc. for each page.
  5. Make sure you click all the way to the FINAL page.  The FINAL page is the confirmation page saying you've completed the offer and then in some cases, that may not be even enough.  You might have to click through what's called a list of their SILVER, GOLD, and PLATINUM pages.  Best bet for until you reach the PLATINUM page.  At that point...
  6. Close the offer and all of the webpage except the TreasureTrooper page.  Go to the offer you clicked on, click on the DONE BUTTON to show you've completed the offer.  Play the Pearl game (my favorite) and see if you can find a Pearl.  Once that's done...
  7. Log off of TreasureTrooper and close your last window.
  8. Use CCleaner to clear out the cookies.  Now remember, CCleaner can be modified to clear up just the cookies alone without clearing out your web history, your saved passwords, etc., so make sure to modify CCleaner to just clear out the cookies and that's it.
  9. If you can, reset your IP address.
  10. That should be you can open IE or FireFox or whatever your web browser is, go back to TreasureTrooper and start on another offer.  The process can be a tad bit tedious, but if you follow it exactly like this, your chances of having your offers complete will rise to a near 100 percent completion level and they will be credited.

Sometimes no matter what you do, some offers will not complete no matter what you do.  What happens is that the offer/survey company will use unscrupulous methods to weed out anyone from redo-ing similar offers from their company.  For example:

Toluna company - Once you sign up with them, they track each individual home address and if you use the exact home address of your house and then try to re-use it again for a different e-mail address, they will track you via the same home address.  Now can't put in fraudulent info otherwise TreasureTrooper will revoke and ban your account.  So once you Toluna once, if you see another offer to do Toluna again, just click ignore on that offer.  It's better that you not redo the same offer 3 or 4 more times and waste your time when you could be doing another offer that will approve.

Remember...under no circumstances do you ever use fraudulent info...EVER!  Doing so will get you banned.  And I've seen people lose over $100 bucks or more the first month they've signed up, done a ton of offers, and then TreasureTrooper come back and BAN and REVOKE that person's account because they used fake and fraudulent info on their offers they did.  DON'T EVER USE FAKE INFO.