Saturday, December 7, 2013

How to earn money to go back to school via a WIA (WorkForce Initiative Act) GRANT!

I wanted to share my experience with you for the past couple of months.  Several months ago, I was recently let go from my work, and since that time, I've been wanting to go back to school to gain some new training in my field of working in Telecommunications.
A few months ago, I was informed that if you are unemployed, there is a way to earn/be granted a grant from the US Federal government and if you are a citizen, you can qualify for what is called a WIA Grant.  The WIA program, aka WorkForce Initiative Act, allows people who are unemployed to seek federal grant funding from as much as $5000 to as much as $8000 dollars for specific courses to go back to schools, whether college or a technical school of your choice.
Also if you find this information helpful, at the bottom of this listing is a donation button.  All I ask is for you to donate just $1 dollar to help me out by providing this information to you, and it's not mandatory, just for you to say thank you to me for going ahead and getting this information to you.
How does one get this grant from the government?  Well it's not easy, but there is a way to qualify.

1)  Locate your local WorkForce/WorkNet office board via the internet.  By doing this search, they will locate the nearest office to your area.
2)  Go there to register or call them to find out when the next available appointment to come in and register as some offices might be busy.
3)  Once there, you can sign in, and there they will inform you what programs are available at the WorkForce office.  They can assist with helping you find work, programs that might be also available if you qualify for other assistance, and they will have info on how you can take to a WorkForce counselor on how you can apply for a WorkForce Grant.
4) Now, here comes the hard part.  If you do want to qualify, you are going to have to go through some hurdles, but they are not difficult to do, if you are willing to put the work in.  You're going to need to bring in some documents, things like your Social Security Card, birth certificate to show you are a natural born citizen or registered citizen, documents of your schooling like high school diploma/GED or college degree, proof of residency, paystubs from past six months of previous work from other job/jobs, and if you have family like spouse/children, you'll need to bring in their SS cards as well along with other documents they will require you to bring in.  And you will have to bring in ALL of it, so this is an important step.
5)  Once that is done, you are registered into the system and from here you will need to attend workshops that they have available to show that you are complying with what the WorkForce/WorkNet offices are asking you to do.  Some of these will be like attending a resume seminar, interview seminar, and other seminars like attending Job Club and other training seminars.   Another important seminar will be an ITA seminar, where they will explain what further steps you will need to do to work on figuring out what grant you would like to go for.  From here, you NEED to know what particular area of study you want to become trained in.  For example, say you want to learn to become a Network Administrator/Programmer for Cisco systems, or a working with learning to become a Database Admin.  You'll need to do the research ahead of time to find out more about the program, the schools that offer such programs, etc.  In the ITA seminar, they will go over what you need to do on how to research this, what you will need to know about your choice, what schools should you consider, and how to go about getting this research done.  And when the seminar is done, they will go over and give you even MORE PAPERWORK that you are required to fill out to explain why you made your choice, what schools are available in your field, if your field is a viable one to invest in, etc.
6)  Once you have completed all of the ITA paperwork, bring it back to your WorkForce/WorkNet counselor.  This is most likely going to be the hardest part of the task to getting your grant but it's one you MUST complete, or you will not qualify.  Some of the paperwork can be tedious, but they do this to weed out people to see if they are sincere in their goal to seeking retraining/reeducation.  But if you are sincere, you have to complete all of the paperwork they ask for you to do.  Once you've completed all of the paperwork, your counselor will go over all of it to help you make sure it's completed properly so it can be submitted to a supervisor who will review it all.  From there it will take a couple of weeks to determine if your choice is good or not.
7)  The final step, will be a review.  If they approve, you will not get money, but what is called a Federal Grant Voucher, which will be presented to your school of choice.  Once your school has received your grant voucher, your school will register you into classes.  Now, it is your job to complete all of the classes presented that you submitted the grant voucher for.  If you don't, you cannot gain that money back.  It's a ONE TIME DEAL, but if you complete your courses, from there you can work with that school to help you find location assistance to help place you in the field of your training so that they can locate you a job.  Also, your WorkForce/WorkNet office will also help provide further assistance to help place you in a job that you've trained for, one of the nice benefits of enrolling in this program.

Well that's the info I have for you!  If you found this helpful, I would be willing to take a simple $1 dollar donation to help me out, since I've done the advanced work to run through this entire program and this gives you an idea of what to expect on your end.  If you found this information helpful, please donate $1 dollar here below:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I just won $100.00 BUCKS from TreasureTrooper!

Today I woke up and I was finally able to complete the last piece I needed to complete TreasureTrooper's Hunt for the Lost Statue of the Mambiko Tribe, and because I completed the quest for the Statue, I was rewarded from TreasureTrooper with this...

Because of this, I now have $100.00 bucks in my pocket...FREE!  And you can too and it's simple!  Just go to this link HERE and you too can possibly win $100.00 bucks!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

TreasureTrooper now has Cash Clicks!!!

Just when I thought couldn't outdo themselves they do it again!  A while back they used to have cash clicks in which if you clicked on a link they would give you 5 cents for each link you clicked on, but you could only click on each link once every 24 hours.  Well...they brough Cash Clicks back again!  So now, they feature new links for you to click on, so you have to do them early in the day, but if you do so early in the day, you can get 5 cents for each link that  sucessfully comes up.  However they do go fast so you have to get them early in order to get the money.  But if you can get them each day, for each link, it's a free 5 cents in your account which if you can get them every day it's like adding 5 cents into your piggy bank for each link you click. 

Right now, TreasureTrooper only features a couple links right now, but they've promised to add more links each and every day, so the more links they have and you can get them each day, it's like a little chunk of free change in your pocket that adds up over time and at the end of the month, you get paid!

Folks, if you haven't signed up yet, you've GOT to sign up so that you can earn some free cash in your pocket every single month!  Sign up today!

Friday, October 15, 2010

So it's October 15th...did I get paid from today?


And here is the proof from my paypal account which was from today!

Can't view it from here?  No is the link to go to Photobucket in case you can't view it fully from here...

So for all of the people wanting to know that TreasureTrooper is indeed legit and on the up and up, look no further that this.  And they make thousands of payments like this each and every month of people who participate on their site completing surveys, doing cash offers, winning contests and most importantly...having fun doing it as well!  You can too!  Just sign up today here at:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

TreasureTrooper's FACEBOOK Application!

Here is yet another little idea to help IF you decide to register and join to help you earn extra money.  Are you currently using Facebook?  If you are, then you can't lose as TreasureTrooper is also on Facebook as well!

For example...say you're on facebook and you have a ton of friends that follow you.  If you sign up for TreasureTrooper and register, you can use TreasureTrooper's Facebook application to help you get your friends to sign up under your name.  And remember the more people who sign up for TreasureTrooper, the site has promised to provide more contests, more chances for cash back, even free cash put into your account if you sign up with TreasureTrooper.  Remember, for each referral you bring in, you get 20% percent of whatever THEY get from their earnings paid.  So if you get one referral that makes 50 bucks for themselves, you get $10 bucks back in your name because they are your referral.  Now imagine if you got all of your friends who are on Facebook to sign up under your name and they all made just the minimum of say just $25 bucks.  That would be $5 dollars in your pocket for EVERY person who signed up.  How many friends do you have?  20? 50? 100?  1000?  That could quickly turn into a MONSTER chunk of change in your pocket for getting all of those people to sign up under your name and have them do just the bare minimum of offers, surveys and whatever they earn.

Not to mention TreasureTrooper also features free giveaways to people who subscribe to Facebook and TreasureTrooper and have the TreasureTrooper application as well.  This past week, all you have to do was tell your friends about a particular deal they had with DirectTV (look below...I've already talked about that in a previous blog HERE) and if you posted what they told you to post and submit your account number for TreasureTrooper, they gave you a free buck in your account...all for telling your friends about TreasureTrooper!  They do this sometimes every week!

Now here's my favorite for the TreasureTrooper application...I love playing slots.  And TreasureTrooper lets you play their slot game once a day in which you can collect items from the slot game.  If you gather all of the items they are asking WIN $100 bucks on your account for playing!  How cool is that???  Folks, if you want to make some great money, you have to not only join TreasureTrooper, but you've got to get your friends to sign up as well on the Facebook application they have.  It's fantastic!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Here is yet ANOTHER way to make a set amount of money from TreasureTrooper without even having to do ONE offer at TreasureTrooper.  Don't like doing offers at all?  No problem.  TreasureTrooper has a Cash Survey section in which they offer new surveys each and every day that you can complete for money. 

Here's how to do it:

  1. First, sign up at and register your info.
  2. Log in.
  3. Go to the MEMBERS section of the home page, and look for CASH SURVEYS.  Click it.
  4. This is what it will look like:

From here just click on each survey and follow the survey instructions.  Complete each survey to where you get a "CONGRADULATIONS" message saying you've completed the survey and once TreasureTrooper can verify that the survey has been completed, it will give you cash for completing the survey.  Now, if you completed a survey each and every day for survey #1, #2, and #3, you would make $2.50 cents each day.  If you completed each of these surveys for 30 days straight...that's $75 bucks every single MONTH that TreasureTrooper would pay you, and you wouldn't have to complete a single offer!

Now here is the bonus.  On top of completing each survey, you also get Dragon Scales.  Dragon Scales can be used to purchase Dragon eggs, which if you raise and take care of these eggs, you'll get a baby dragon!  If you raise and take care of that baby dragon, the dragon will mature into an adult and you can breed them with other dragons to get rare dragons.  And here's the best part...the more dragons you can breed and raise, you'll be able to sell the dragons off for CASH!  Extra bonus!  So the more scales you get, the more you can use them to raising Dragons for cash on top of the surveys you already collect cash for anyways!  HOW COOL IS THAT?  And you don't even have to do one offer to make that type of money!  And the best part, if you want to earn extra scales, you can also do that as well with surveys #4, 5, and 6!!!

TreasureTrooper has so many ways to make money it's crazy.  So sign up today!  You'd be crazy not to!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Here's another really cool idea from that can't be missed.  Do you shop online?  Chances are in today's world and if you're reading this, you do already.  Let's face it, today a lot of people shop online for many things because they don't have the time to shop or like to order services on line in order to not only save time but money as well.  For me personally, now that the Christmas season is coming around the corner, and yeah, I get the Christmas blah's like every else does, then going to the mall around Christmas time is not only a chore but can be a real downer dealing with finding parking, dealing with the crowds, and the nasty salespeople with bad attitudes.  You just don't want to deal with the hassles that that has to offer because it ruins the Christmas spirit of giving.  So a lot of people today are shopping ONLINE to avoid the hassles of dealing with all of that junk.

So the answer is this...wouldn't you like to earn some cash back shopping at the stores online that you already might shop at this Christmas?  SURE YOU WOULD!!!  Who wouldn't?  Well here's another tip on how to shop online and save some money at the same time.

  1. Sign up for today by clicking the link I've provided or just click on the word that's highlighted.
  2. Once you've signed up and registered at, go to their Members section on the HOME page once you've logged in and click on the CASH SHOPPING.  There you'll find HUNDREDS of links to shop from from stores you might already visit.  Don't believe me?  How about some of these stores!!!
  • 1-800   -   GET 4% CASH BACK on ANYTHING you order.  For example, my mom's birthday is on the 25th this month.  I spent a sub-total of 42.98 ordering her a nice bouquet of flowers for her birthday.  After everything said and done, 4% of 42.98 is roughly $1.72 back.  Again not much, but a little extra back in the pocket adds up.
  • Shop at   -   How about 2% back on anything except electronics which they'll give 0.75% back on anything you spend?   Again not much, but imagine spending say 100.00, 200.00, or more and the money adds up.  If you bought 200.00 bucks in items at WalMart that you already spend on a daily basis, that's $4 dollars back in your pocket for free.  Or if you bought say a brand new HDTV worth $1000.00 bucks there then you'd get 0.75 percent back, you'd get $7.50 back!
  • How about The Body Shop store at  Anything you order...4% percent back!
Now I know, some of these are small percentages, but if you do a lot of Christmas shopping from some of these stores, the money you spend will add up and the money you get back will add up as well!  And you might be thinking, eh, that's ok, but what stores do they have there?  How about these other stores?

  • The Popcorn   - 4% percent back for anything you purchase!
  • Apple   -   2.5% percent back for anything you purchase!  (and if you purchase songs like crazy, this can add up to a TON of money back!)
  • Fredericks of   -   3% percent back!
  •   -   1% back for anything you purchase (This is great for getting money back on trips back to see the family for the holidays or to get away from it all!)
  •   -   2.5% percent back and it's great for the ladies to shop for themselves!
  •   -   2% percent back on ANYTHING from Macy's!
  •   -   Get $2.50 cents for ANY FLIGHT you purchase through Orbitz!
  •   -   Get 17.5% back on anything you purchase!
  • Lego   -   Do you have a young kid who loves Lego's?  How about getting an extra 1.5% percent back on anything you order?
  •   -   Need to rent a car for a trip for the holiday's?  How about getting back 0.5 percent back on anything you rent?  And if you rent for the week, that could be a couple hundred bucks, so the money adds up quickly!
  •   -   What the best sports apparel for the holiday season?  Athletic wear?  Shoes?  How about saving an extra 2.5% percent back on anything you purchase through the website?
  •   -   Are you a big computer person?  How about purchasing a nice new HDTV for Christmas?  How does an extra 1% percent cash back sound?   A $1000 dollar purchase would bring you back and extra $10 bucks back in your pocket!
Folks there are over 200 hundred stores to choose from if you shop with TreasureTrooper, and while the savings may not be huge, buy purchasing through TreasureTrooper, you go to special websites which are made for them in which they give you extra bonues and cash back just through purchasing through their special website.  Again for example, the bouquet of flowers I bought...the arrangement I bought was a special fall bouquet which would have run 69.00 dollars.  I got it for 42.98, which included shipping on sale by purchasing it through TreasureTrooper's website, and I STILL made the extra $1.72 in cash back because I purchased it through TreasureTrooper's weblinks.  The amount of money you can save is HUGE!

So remember, if you're looking for yet another way to save money, is truly the way to go this holiday season.  You can't go wrong!